Too tasty to waste it - Príliš chutné na to, aby ste nimi mrhali

V dňoch 16. - 23. septembra sa stretli zástupcovia partnerov projektu "Príliš chutné na to, aby ste nimi mrhali, ktorý organizovala Nadácia Aktívni v Európe v rámci projektu programu Erasmus+. Stretnutia sa zúčastnili zástupcovia nášho OZ Guľôčka, Nadácie Aktívni v Európe z Poľska a združenia MOGA z Bulharska. Stretnutie sa konalo v Poronine, kde sa stretlo celkovo 36 účastníkov. 

Cieľom projektu a stretnutia je informovať mladých ľudí o obrovskom probléme s plytvaním jedla v Európe a vo svete. Využívali sme neformálne spôsoby vzdelávania ako sú integračné hry, tematické aktivity, tvorivé hodiny, kulinársky workshop, stretnutia s expertmi, diskusie, výmeny skúseností, online stretnutia, národné popoludnia a pod.

Hlavnými zámermi projektu bolo:

  • zvyšovanie povedomia o problematike plytvania potravinami a uvedomenie si závažnosti problému, ktorý ohrozuje ľudí a životné prostredie;
  • zvyšovanie povedomia o rizikách a negatívnych účinkoch potravinového odpadu (vrátane sociálnych, ekonomických a environmentálnych dôsledkov);
  • rozvíjanie kompetencií, ktoré prispejú k minimalizácii potravinového odpadu (implementácia inovatívnych a kreatívnych riešení, ktoré zabránia plytvaniu potravinami);
  • výmena skúseností a osvedčených postupov týkajúcich sa predchádzania vzniku potravinového odpadu;
  • vzdelávanie, rozvoj a podpora pozitívnych zmien a správania, prispievanie k znižovaniu plytvania potravinami, a tým aj starostlivosti o okolie a prírodné prostredie.
- zvyšovanie povedomia o problematike plytvania potravinami a uvedomenie si závažnosti problému, ktorý ohrozuje ľudí a životné prostredie;
- zvyšovanie povedomia o rizikách a negatívnych účinkoch potravinového odpadu (vrátane sociálnych, ekonomických a environmentálnych dôsledkov);
- rozvíjanie kompetencií, ktoré prispejú k minimalizácii potravinového odpadu (implementácia inovatívnych a kreatívnych riešení, ktoré zabránia plytvaniu potravinami);
- výmena skúseností a osvedčených postupov týkajúcich sa predchádzania vyhadzovaniu potravín;
- vzdelávanie, rozvoj a podpora pozitívnych zmien a správania, prispievanie k znižovaniu plytvania potravinami, a tým aj starostlivosti o okolie a prírodné prostredie;

Celý projekt bol realizovaný v anglickom jazyku, preto viac informácií uvádzame v angličtine.

Účastníci projektu vytvorili zaujímavé výstupy:

English summary

Young people started their activities as part of the international initiative by defining their fears and expectations, creating the rules of youth exchange, as well as conducting many creative games and activities, thanks to which the project participants could get to know each other better, integrate as a team and create a friendly atmosphere.

As part of one of the first youth exchange workshops, participants summed up and analyzed the period of preparation for an international meeting - their activities, activities, commitment, cooperation, or completed tasks. Then each of the national groups presented detailed data on food waste in our countries and Europe over the years. The presentations prepared by them showed, first of all, what a big problem we are struggling with, and also what a huge challenge it is to make changes in issues related to throwing away food.

One of the many elements of the youth exchange were national evenings prepared by the participants of the international meeting. Each team presented its country, traditions, and customs in a creative and interesting way. Thanks to national evenings, the participants of the youth exchange deepened their knowledge about foreign cultures, broadened their horizons, and became more open and tolerant.

During many thematic workshops, participants discussed, among others:

- about the problem of wasting food in our countries and Europe. Each group presented examples of food waste (e.g. during production, in catering establishments, schools, households, supermarkets) in our countries and their scale.

- about the causes of food waste and another problem, which is the "ease" of getting rid of the food by people who still treat it as a normal phenomenon.

- about the negative effects of food waste and throwing away, both on people and the environment.

- what needs to be done to minimize food waste and its negative effects.

- about the problem of hunger. Most of us, when we get rid of food, do not think about people who are starving at the same time - both those in poor countries and those in our European countries. In our countries and communities, there are people in need - the elderly, the homeless, the sick, as well as children and young people living in extreme poverty. These people have a huge problem every day eating a wholesome meal.

- about good practices related to the prevention of food waste, as well as the use of food that we are going to throw away for various reasons.

Thanks to workshops, young people gained knowledge and raised their awareness of the problems related to food waste, which threatens not only people but also the entire planet / natural environment; gained knowledge and became more aware of the dangers and negative effects of food waste (including social, economic and ecological consequences); they have broadened appropriate ecological skills, thanks to which they can change their everyday habits to be more friendly to themselves, their surroundings, and also to the natural environment; they have developed competences thanks to which they can reduce food waste, which until now was a common phenomenon; and exchanged valuable experience on how they care for the environment;

Participants took part in culinary workshops, during which, working in international teams, they prepared a number of dishes (e.g. silage, salads, desserts, main dishes), based on the use of food leftovers that were left over from other meals or waste that arose while preparing a meal that is still fit for consumption. During the classes, young people learned how to use foods that are normally thrown away, which can still be used to prepare tasty dishes and contribute to the elimination of waste.

Young people prepared and conducted an online conference with the participation of their peers from Poland, Bulgaria, and Slovakia. They organized the virtual meeting according to the plan and thematic blocks that they had previously developed: welcome and introduction to the subject of the conference; presentation of the project and Erasmus + program; food waste in our countries and Europe and the negative effects and consequences of this phenomenon; food waste prevention and good practices; creative, culinary ways to prevent food from being thrown away; final discussion, answers to bothering questions and exchange of experiences and opinions; The conference was an important element of the international meeting, requiring concentration and diligence on the part of young people, but also the opportunity to share the results and valuable experience.